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We'll help you get a valid prescription!

shoplatisse-5ml-banner-1610.jpg  Do you have a prescription in hand, or do you need one? Choose from the options below to tell us where you're at, and we'll show you what you can do next. Either way, you're just a few easy steps from getting Latisse safely and legally dispensed to your door.

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“I have a prescription.”

Super!  Click on the button below to visit the online MintRX pharmacy where you can purchase your Latisse conveniently and at the lowest price, guaranteed. Shipping is FREE and be sure to login once you arrive to see their LOW members-only price!


“I need a prescription.”

No prescription? No problem! We can Provide you with a list of telemedicine websites where you can get a legal prescription.




“Why do I need a prescription?”

In the past, you could get certain prescription-grade products like Latisse online from businesses run by medical spas or doctor’s offices, by filling out a brief medical history form on the website. However, state and national regulations have been tightened for your protection, and the requirements for a legal Latisse prescription are stricter now.

In order to legally dispense Latisse and other prescription personal care products online, a business must be a pharmacy or physician practice licensed and certified in both its own state and the state where you reside; it must have an original prescription written by a doctor with whom you have an established relationship; and it must verify your identity and location. We recommend Mint Pharmacy and Skin Clinic (MintRxpharmacy.com) as a pharmacy. In the long run, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re getting Latisse legally from a licensed health care business that cares more about your safety than about cutting corners and finding loopholes.

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